Friday, 9 September 2011

Taking Photos....What does taking a Photograph mean to you?

A few of my Friends Opinions on 'What taking a Photograph means to them.'

Vicki Trigg;

I like taking photographs of people really and capturing moments that people don't pay attention to, that you wouldn't usually notice were there. It kind of brings something boring and dull to life i suppose. Makes you pay attention to detail.

Tom Blain;
The main reason why I take photographs is because it allows me to document memories which occur in my life, they act as a physical entity in which those memories can be preserved .

Sophie Wilson

For me, taking photographs isn't just capturing a moment, or a's a self expression- a playful, spontaneous and considered art form that to me, is truly like no other.

Mike Sutton

I don't like taking a picture of something if I think it's been done hundreds of times before, unless I can do it in my own way it's not worth bothering, sometimes I can come back from a day of taking pictures with just the one or two pictures i'm happy with, but I feel I can consider them to be real gems. I like this challenge when I'm taking pictures.

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